Reputable Poetry Competitions and Other Ways for Poets to Make Money (literary journals, greeting cards, and legitimate poetry contests)



Reputable Poetry Competitions plus a set of more paying markets for poetry are available from Writer’s Relief.

Reputable poetry contests

There are lots of opportunities to build an income with your poetry if you know where you can look! Writer’s Relief will show you where to submit your poetry if you’d want to get paid: reputable poetry competitions and contests with cash prizes, literary journals, minute card companies, and more targeted poetry markets.

This two-minute YouTube video offers some great tips, leads, and strategies for making some extra cash from poetry competitions. Should you write strong poems, and know where to submit, you can create some cash. We realize that poetry and money aren’t exactly synonymous. And we know-it’s unlikely that you’ll break the bank by submitting your poems for publication.

Reputable poetry contests

Despite that, the method can be extremely rewarding. When you improve your poetry publishing credits, you build your reputation like a poet. Having individual poems published (via legitimate competitions, anthologies, or literary journals) puts you in the best position to discover a paying publisher for a variety of your projects. Most writers must “pay their dues” with individual publications before publishing a book-length collection or chapbook.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t come up with a bit cash, by submitting your poetry to reputable contests, literary journals, plus more. Writer’s Relief will help. Writer’s Relief knows the best markets for your poems.

Since 1994, the dedicated staff at Writer’s Relief has been helping creative writers in most genres (poetry, short stories, creative nonfiction, novels, and nonfiction books) submit their work for publication in legitimate markets. Many of their clients have seen small payments for poems from literary journals or anthologies. Writer’s Relief helps writers prepare and format the work they do for publication, then they investigate best-suited markets for a given band of poems. They also help writers query agents for book projects.

Writer’s Relief features a deliberately specialized client list-writers are accepted by invitation only. Writer’s Relief tasks are depending on flat rates; they just don't take commission. Get your poetry published!

Even when you’re incapable of be a client at the moment, be sure to check out their regularly updated listings of writing and reputable poetry competitions, some of which are free to enter. The Writer’s Relief website offers many tips, leads, and strategies for poets and other creative writers.

It’s challenging to produce a living like a poet, but develop you’ll enjoy this fun video about submitting poetry for money-it’s an excellent resource that individuals hope you’ll tell your writer friends. Happy writing! Go ahead and send Writer’s Relief information about other reputable poetry competitions to increase their list.

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